Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Who in time is awesome?

For a moment let us take a journey into who and what is awesome.

The name of God is Awesome.

Psalm 99:3
Let them praise your great and awesome name— he is holy(NIV).

Besides God there is nothing or any thing awesome. Only God is Awesome!

Exodus 15:11
"Who among the gods is like you, O LORD? Who is like you— majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders (NIV)?

The universe is said to be awesome because God created the universe.

The complexity and one time mathematical equations of the human body are proven to be awesome because of the one time equations of the human body prove that only God could have created the human body.

Do you accept the Bible of the Christians is awesome? Few Christian see their Bible as being awesome. Today some “Christians” declare the Bible is important but has no power to save any one (Questions for today by Buff Scott JR.)

Do you want to see and understand something truly awesome? Remove false translations of recorded references made to Bible “time.” Through true translations of Bible time will show the Bible of the Christians is awesome to convince the most doubtful that the Bible is truly from God.

It is a proven fact that some world religions grow faster then the religion of Christians. Remove false translations of Bible “time” so the humble and the honest Jew, the Muslim, the atheist, the agnostic will be convinced to choose the awesome belief in the Bible of Christians over all other world religions and philosophies.

In our ignorance, God help us all.

We do not make our charge against mistranslation of the Bible records of time, because of reference to a slight misunderstanding of a conflation in the ancient pristine text, or a slight alteration which would lead or give offense to rendering clear and concise time and set times of God.

The ancient records concerning God’s time measurement and His awesome set time events are written out fully and very clear as most precise records of time keeping. All events of God’s time records are written very clear in the original, ancient languages of what is called “The Bible.” Then the question remains why are the Gospel records of time keeping mistranslated?

We make this charge against most English Bible translators, who mistranslate the Bible records of the set times of God. Not one translator mistranslates Bible records of time, because of misunderstood methodological principals of interpretation that is discovered through the study of Bible Hermeneutics. They do not mistranslate because of unclear records made from analytical studies from historical records of the assembly of the canon of the Bible. The ancient Christian documents that never became a part of the canon of the Bible also are a witness against modern translators who mistranslate the biblical methods of time keeping ordained by God.

Only though a study of doctrinal hermeneutics we can discover either truth or error. Most Bible translators know and many admit they mistranslate and scramble the records of the ordained times of God and Bible translators admit they twist and change all the miraculous set times of God that is recorded in the ancient languages of the Bible. We question, because men know the truth, then why do they mistranslate the awesome set times of God but only to deceive you and to make God appear to be impotent?

Any translator who mistranslates the time division of God from the copies of the original records of the Bible, is doing so only to follow the invention of his man made traditions that was a handing down by his Papa or Pope Gregory III of the Catholic church..

We charge, there is no just cause for translators to mistranslate God’s time division or set times, because of some unsolved problems of etymology or word formation in the Hebrew, Aramaic [Chaldee] or the Judaic Greek. There is no just cause, to extrapolate the known Gospel records of time keeping and the set times ordained by God. There is no justifiable cause for translators to mistranslate the time witnesses of God, by inferring or estimating that the correct English translation should be written in the man made invention of the artificial time mode and then mistranslates using the same timekeepers of ancient pagans or for modern man.

God does not allow men to change and scramble His Bible gospel records of time and His set times. God only allows men to deceive and mistranslate His gospel records of time and set times. Most modern English Bible translators could careless as they mistranslate God’s time and His ordained set times. They continue to mistranslate, only because of blatant disregard for God’s records of time and His revealed set times in most all of their modern English Bible translations.

Who cares about what awe inspiring time manipulations and time miracles that God creates to prove He Is the only God?

Without correct Bible translations there is a massive trend toward leaving the tenants taught from the Bible. However we question, who will accept true Bible translation? Certainly most “believing” Christians will not accept true Bible translations because truth in correct translations will devastate many false “Christian “ Sunday religions. Proof is found in the rejection by “Christians” of most literal interlineal Bible translations.

As a student of the Greek, in my humble understanding, one of the best restored Bible translations to this date, August 29, 2006, is the free online Bible identified as The Apostolic Bible. I do not know this translator or what the belief of this translator is, but I strongly recommend this restored Bible translation made in the translations of the Apostolic Bible. I do not see this Bible translation as being “perfect” but the best so far. Do you want truth of what is awesome or do you choose the lame and the misleading time translations that add the pagan time keeping to the translated Bible records?

Read this book “Bible time conspiracy” at this web site www.biblementor.com

Also read Awesome supper times of God on this same site.